23 November 2007

Setting out again (with our new pal: Panasonic)

So with our poor old Acer camera dead in its case, we left Gipuzkoa and hit Bizkaia. There, our friend (and fab photographer) Unai had our brand new photo machine waiting for us in his shop: A Panasonic DMC-TZ3. It took a while to get used to our new toy... but here are some of the first shots it took (we're narrowing down a lot here, considering we took 237 photos on the first day).

We love Euskadi, the land where caseríos like this one abound.

We wanted to visit the Santimamiñe Caves with the boys but they were closed for restoration work :(

We didn't mind though. There is a lovely park there, so we took a leisurely stroll,...

and played for a while,

...and experimented with our new camera :D

...and had a look into the river....

... and meet this little guy!

Then we moved on.... Next stop Bermeo.... Photo above taken from moving car.... We're road trippin'

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