28 January 2008

trip to Trim

We went on a weekend trip to Trim in County Meath last year, just after Halloween while the kids were still on their mid-term break.
We can't help it, we like being on the road.

Music playing, snacks at the ready, colourful countryside flashing by...

County Meath is right next to County Dublin so we got there pretty fast. This is the hotel we stayed at "The Castle Arch Hotel"...

... where we had a comfy family room.

Across this junction and down that road, we found the town centre and...a playground!

No, not this...


and this,
and this.
Well, that was enough for our first day. When Lorcan's face takes on this quiet angelic look, it means he's tired. When he starts shouting and squirming, you know it's too late: he's over-tired. So, to avoid that, we hit the road back to the hotel for supper.

Mmmm... with ice-cream for dessert :)

Day 2: Right before breakfast...

Day 2: Right after breakfast...

On Day 2, we went to see Trim's main attraction: Trim Castle. The entire site is wonderful. And if you're thinking it looks familiar, that might be because you're seen it in the film Braveheart.

This is what we saw on our visit back in November:

That little dot there in front is Lorcan!

The castle is formed by several buildings, a tower and an amazing boundary wall.

We took the guided tour and learned all about the history of Trim castle and Trim town.

Daddy, Liam and Malachy went up onto the roof, but acrophobic Mummy stayed on solid ground with sleepy Lorcan.

This is what you can see from up there! That is the River Boyne

Can we stay up here?
* * * * *

Later, we went back to the playground...

* * * * *

And then for a drive through part of the Boyne Valley...

Before we visited the Hill of Tara, we stopped for hot chocolate and this lovely tea room. We had bought some Rupert the Bear books at a local used book shop so we got stuck right in!

By the gates to the Hill of Tara.

(They may have their downsides, but spiders and rain aren't all that bad).

There sure were a lot of sheep up there at Tara. Liam tried to chase them... but to no avail!

We saw the odd cow too. This one was just standing there, braving the rain in field near Bective Abbey

We are now officially fans of historic and beautiful County Meath