30 March 2005

JamRobbing Foundations


The JamRobbers: Jaime, Liam, Malachy and I -Vanessa- are delighted to introduce the JamRobBlog -the online home of JamRobbing!

And just what might JamRobbing be? I hear you ask! Well, suffice to say it's something that YOU'll never be able to do -no matter how much to try!

You see, when Jaime JAMbrina and Vanessa ROBinson got together and made Liam and Malachy Jambrina-Robinson, the JamRobbing Quartet was formed! We're sorry, but membership is exclusive!

Anyway, we do all sorts of things (except rob jam!) and are delighted to be going online to give you a sneak peek at the ins and outs of our JamRobbing family exploits!

Stay tuned!