28 November 2007


We cleverly made our time up north coincide with the famous "Aste Nagusia", "Semana Grande"... or "Fiestas de Bilbao".
The new camera came along for the fun so, needless to say, many, many photos were taken.
Here are a few favourites.
Cue giant collage:

Click to view larger version :)

The city transforms for a week of music, shows, fireworks, partying and nightlife...

This is a txozna, or temporary bar where drinks and bokatas are served all night long.

The main concert on the night we attended the fiestas was The Pogues. Very apt for Irish party-goers like myself and my friend Eamon. However, embarrassingly for us, they were... there's only one word for it: "shite". Shane McGowan made a fool of himself, falling around the stage and slurring his words. But that wasn't going to run our night! We soon headed back across the city to where the fun was....

City at night

F is for 'Fiesta'... and 'Fun'... and 'Friends'...

...and, happily, we enjoyed plenty of all of those things.


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