06 November 2007

La Rioja - El Rasillo - Torrecilla en Cameros

Next stop: Torrecilla en Cameros

Still in the Ituerto Valley, we took a daytrip to Torrecilla en Cameros... leaving the lake behind for a while.

Instead, we followed the river...

When we got to Torrecilla, we took a leisurely stroll...

Resting from time to time...

Quenching our thirst...

Enjoying sudden bursts of colour like these :)

Squinting in the summer sun ;)

Being charmed by the little slopey village streets and discovering the house were Sagasta was born.

The townhouses there were charming.

The playground was fun too...

It was just too hot to stay in the sun... so, shade (and some cheese) was a better option.

The River Iregua flowing through Torrecilla en Cameros.

Malacy and Mummy on the bridge

Daddy capturing images in movement...

Changing views from a moving car. Some of the spots in the sky are actually spots on the car window... but some of them are eagles flying overhead!!!

Back at our charming little holiday home (the sloping roof behind the bushes gives you a glimpse), there was much frolicking in the garden...!

Watch this space for our next stop: Dinosaur territory!!!....

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