25 April 2007

visit from mallorca!

Back in March our friends María and Miquel came to visit us from Mallorca!

We've know María for years now, through Saoia, who's known her since they were kids growing up in Donosti. Although María's been living in Mallorca for years, we've seen each other regularly over the years in either Barcelona, Donosti or Bilbao :)

She took this really sweet photo of these two blue-eyed boy-os!

Sharing breakfast one morning...

Who said anything about sharing? I'm sorry but on those special days when I get to have "chocolate toast", sharing is not high on my priorities, if you know what I mean ;)

We went for a walk on Killiney hill with M&M too :)

The view of the bay is always nice to see...

Lorcan was happy on Miquel's knee (and Liam on Daddy's!)

And Malachy got flung around for fun with María :)

M&M brought us some great goodies from Mallorca, including typical sobrassada, tomatoes and eggs from Miquel's father's place and a yummy herbal liqueur. They even cooked for us :)

Miquel busy in the kitchen

... and fooling around with the pyjama boys!

They played hide and seek. Malachy very cleverly climbed into the buggy in the hall and hid behind the coats on the hangers. Too cute.

Liam giggling and running for his life!

boys on the street

María greeting some Irish sheep :)

And, yes, their visit was a good excuse to head back up to Johnnie Fox's.

This time we left Liam and Malachy with Granny and Granddad and went with just Lorcan and M&M.

Musing the menu

Before we stuffed ourselves :)

mmmmm..... stuffing ourselves :)

1 comment:

Vedrana M. said...

you sure did have wonderful time :)