25 April 2007

garden time

I have no idea why my big brothers are always hiding inside that green thingy-magig in the garden.

Who knows what they're doing in there?

Riding on some sort of spaceship, according to him!

Let's see if I can figure out a way to get inside...

If I can catch it, can I keep it? Please? You guys are always taking everything on me!!!

See? They did it again!
Hmmm. I think I'll just go and do my own thing.

Better be careful not to fall off. Thanks Mummy. We don't want me getting another one of those bruises, now do we? ;)

Alright I'll just rock away here for a while on my green crocodile :)

Those two big brothers can do their own thing

...whatever it is

Hey! Watch out! Is that some alien life form trying to get into our garden? No! It's green-finger Granddad who's been weeding and cutting the grass next door :)

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