24 April 2007


We've been to Glendalough for a few outings this year. This was our first one, back in February. There's a great new visitor's centre and some really great marked paths for walking and hiking.

We got really nice weather (for February) and enjoyed everything there is lots to see in Glendalough, including St. Kevin's cross, the round tower and the two beautiful lakes, where Glendalough gets its name (meaning 'the valley of the two lakes').

The woods around the lakes are beautiful

St. Kevin's monastic site (details here)

walking through the woods...

Malachy took a nap in the buggie so it was Lorcan's turn to get a 'lift' with Daddy.

We had a picnic lunch by the visitor's centre...

... and were joined by this cute little robin

Liam read the map to make sure we wouldn't get lost ;)

and then we crossed the river to the see the Round Tower...

The Pollanass river

There's a boardwalk that goes over the marsh right around the small lake to the large lake. We did the whole walk that day. Jaime and I were very proud of Liam and Malachy for going that far without complaining!

Um, yes, it's definitely that way >>>

These old stone walls are incredible...

There's even a tree growing out of this one!

catch those sunrays!

We met a local painter finishing off a landscape. He warned us there would be rain later... (and before we got home we knew he was right!... we got drenched!)...

We also met this little guy :)

See how he put his little hands up over his eyes when Jaime picked him up. Poor mite must have been scared out of his wits!

But there was nothing to fear... we just chatted a little and let him go. I wanted to try kissing him (just in case) but the others seemed to think I wasn't in need of ANOTHER handsome prince at all!

Standing looking over the big lake is so serene and relaxing. The water is like a mirror and the view is enchanting.The boys played a while on the lakeshore...

... and we took a little rest before turning back.

We took the other route back on the forest side of the little lake...

... past this little waterfall.

Then two things happened: the camera battery died and it started to pelt down with rain! We hastened our step back to the car for shelter and happily headed on home :)

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