15 April 2007

ringing in 2007

Now flash back to the end of 2006:
We rang in the New Year in style here at home! Luis, Saioa, Sinéad, Brian, Jacqui, Jaime and Vanessa. Like the song says, oh what a night...!
In true abundant Christmas style, there was lots of (too much!) food. Luis and Saioa brought over some delicious jamón and lomo ibérico and Idiazabal cheese from Euskadi, which we had as finger food for entrées...
...together with the amazing curry and coconut prawns Jaime cooked,
and savoury pastries.
Then we were served a delicious pumpkin crème with a sprig of rosemary (from our garden!) and a dash of ground black pepper mmmm. That was followed by beautifully presented dish of monkfish with tiny tender sautéed French beans and a garnish sun-dried tomatoes and roasted red peppers with garlic. And that was not all… The main dish was Griddled Irish lamb served with a colourful medley of sautéed vegetables :D
Dessert was a selection of Spanish turrón, also courtesy of Luis and Saoia, served with champagne. Afterwards I made Irish coffees all round :)
Everyone looked very dashing and seemed happy all evening :)

So, yes, we ate...

We even danced (in the kitchen...!)

We drank ;-)

...and we had a fun and enjoyable start to the new year.

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