24 April 2007

daddy's birthday (by day!!!)

24 February 2007: Jaime's 37th Birthday!!! This is what we did that day...

First the kids gave Daddy their lovely handmade cards...

... and pressies...

Coloured lemon fudge-y chocolate and sprinkle-covered sweets! made by their own little hands... awww! And presented in this tin we decorated together too! Not forgetting the meringue-spongecake above too, of course! All very sweet,... but candle blowing is essential, after all!

Another great birthday gift was a visit from our good friend Noemí, who came all the way over from Madrid for the weekend!

The birthday boy's choice of lunch venue was Johnnie Fox's Pub up in the Dublin Mountains.

Lorcan stayed with Granny and Granddad and so the birthday lunch mob consisted of the BDay boy, Noemí, Vanessa, Liam and Malachy...

Posing by the old doubledecker is mandatory, of course...

... as is having a look around the quirky interior of this charming pub.

Food was ordered and we were hungry and ready...

A pint of Guinness settling... not quite ready to drink yet...

Johnnie Fox's is a seafood restaurant so our choices were mussels, swordfish and prawns... after calcannon soup and brown bread, of course :) All delicious too.

It was so nice to have Noemí with us too...

I think you could say that fun was had all round

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