24 April 2007

works of art

Inspired by the beautiful children's book Where The Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak (which I just discovered is being made into a film!!), Jaime sketched the outline of this picture on a canvas for the children to paint in acryllics.

Sometimes it's hard to get young kids to focus and take the time to paint carefully...

Liam's friend Tadgh, who was over on a playdate, got particularly into it!

Over a few days, we all had a go adding our own bits of colour...

And here's the finished piece!

Liam likes cutting things up with his kiddie scissors. He and Malachy had fun gluing this animal collage together with their Daddy.

Another craft we like a lot is moulding plasticine people! Luis and Saoia gave the kids a set with all of these fun body parts and these are just two of the many funny characters we've made :)

More hanging art...

some close-ups

collage man!

Reading, writing and doing phonics is good fun too. Here are just some of the words that Liam has mastered so far :)

This 'picture house' is a cool idea that Jaime had one day. He recycled the leftover cardboard from a card game the kids got and formed this house structure. Then he cut out coloured paper squares and he and the boys drew pictures on each one. Then they stuck their pictures like coloured windows on their house...


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