20 April 2007

a cold morning in Bray

This is Bray strand in Co. Wicklow. The hill in the background is Bray Head, a popular Sunday walk for strollers all year round. We went for a walk there on a cold, wet day in January. As you can see, we like to get out in the fresh air no matter what the weather :)

Looking north towards Howth in the distance...

Bray is a seaside resort that is much livelier in summer than in winter. When the holidaymakers swarm the beach on a good day, these little kiosks sell everything from ice-creams to buckets and spades.

Brrrrr, it's cold!
Wrought iron railings all along the promenade...

"Oh we do like to be beside the seaside,
Oh we do like to be beside the sea,
Oh we do like to stroll along the prom, prom, prom,
Where the brass bands play tiddily-om-pom-om"
(No we haven't gone completely mad (yet!)... It's just whenever I see a bandstand that silly song pops into my head!)
We'll be going back to Bray soon for the annual Jazz Festival. I wonder will anyone be playing on that bandstand?!

All wrapped up!

We went to The Porterhouse after our walk to warm up and get some lunch. Jaime had Irish stew and we shared a pint (Jaime and me, that is... NOT Liam!!!)

The rain had stopped when we came back outside. And this rainbow had appeared :)

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