13 May 2008

LiamCam is back!

Remember these?

Well, here's another instalment of Liam's snaps taken with his very own digital camera.

The kid's got an eye for it!

1. bird on a wire
2. Lorcan, the smiler
3. the trees on our street have been pruned in this rather odd fashion to make way for the power cables!
4. the hooded brother
5. a teeny tiny snail
6. Liam self portrait 1
7. can anybody hear me?
8. just another teddy bear
9. Liam self portrait 2
10. a slice of Malachy
11. my big brother taught me to wink
12. ready for dinner
13. attacking the cereal cupboard
14. eggs coming up
15. overexposed mummy
16. mummy took this one
17. about to grab
18. arroz a la cubana (complete with eggs)
19. frost on grass
20. manhole and hubcap
21. mummy, can we have one of these?
22. ready to shake
23. certified of merit!
24. cheesy grin
25. just another superhero

1 comment:

hollibobolli said...

I'm so glad you pointed me over here... I've missed being a part of your world. I absolutely LOVE the collages.. and the boys.. and and.. YOU!!