22 May 2008

all good things...

...must come to an end ...even holidays!

Here are some of the leftover shots from our lovely (and broadly documented!) trip to Kinsale!

Colourful streets

Soup, pizza and salad. The picnic we had planned that day was abandoned due to rain!

Shhh! He actually whistles when he does this!

Straw entertainment ¿?

Fishing boats on the dock.

Ice-cream concentration

Yes, whichever way you turn... sooner or later you'll end up in Kinsale!

Clonakilty St. Patrick's Day Parade.

Kinsale Farmers' Market

A brighter day.

Cloud reflection.

Where, oh where, oh where is shadow?

The Beach Boys!

Ding, dong, dell... what is in the well?

The mad driver!

Doubling up on the slide

Heading downtown.

I told you I had a thing about dogs!

A stain on my shirt? Where?!

Sit down, Mummy!

Daisy attack!!

From shore to shore.
Summer cove.

Up and over.


Portable dominoes!

Morning face.

I wonder...

A stop-off on the way home to Dublin.

A robin who just flew in to say hello.

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