13 May 2008

so what would you like to do this morning?

PlayDoh anyone?

Or maybe a glass of milk at a trendy café is more your thing? Don't forget your superstar sunglasses!

Or would you fancy going to the local farmer's market and grabbing an authentic Italian sausage from our favourite New Yorker?


Eating and walking... I can do that!

Lately we've been spending quite a few Sunday morning/afternoons at the Dun Laoghaire market in the People's Park...

A few weeks (or is that months?) back there was a Lithuanian festival there!

Dancing dudes :)

Lorcan has a huge fascination with dogs. Dogs and music are his two big obsessions at the moment and this sweet hound was so gentle and pet-able, he couldn't resist.

Don't mind that look of contempt in her eye. She really is just a softie.

After the market, we usually take a stroll along the seafront. You'll recognise this view by now. That's Sandycove in the distance.

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