13 May 2008

the road to Cork

We hit the road this Easter for a long-awaited trip to Kinsale, County Cork, where our friends Audrey, Dom and Sam live and where we've been planning to travel for quite some time now. As you can see, despite the long car trip, the lads were happy to be holidaying again!

We stopped in Roscrea, County Tipperary on the way down. There's a castle there... and that's a must for us!!

This is Damer House, which is on the grounds of the castle. Unfortunately, it was a rainy day, so we didn't get to spend much time in the grounds pretending to be knights in shining armour searching for the fierce dragon in the castle, but the indoor visit was nice too.

We took that part literally, and ate our picnic lunch in the foyer :)

Then we visited the rest of the castle...

That's the fireplace they're standing in!!

See? We weren't the only ones sheltering from the rain!

Then we hit the road again, due south, bound for County Cork.

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