22 May 2008

Charles Fort, Kinsale

We were warned that we might get blown out of it if we went up to Charles Fort on a breezy day... but since there was no guaranteeing the weather was going to get any better, we headed on up. Cold and windy and drizzly it was... but we still loved it!

This view (borrowed from here) shows what the Fort looks like from above. It's enormous and its spectacular pentagonal shape hangs right over the water's edge.

At the entrance, we stopped to read this memorial to the Spanish Armada:

This is the site of the Battle of Kinsale (which formed part of the Anglo-Spanish war), when the Spanish and Irish Catholic forces joined in an attempt to beat the invading Protestant enemy. The Catholic defeat at Kinsale tragically marked the ultimate battle of England's conquest of Gaelic Ireland.

{En castellano aquĆ­}

I don't know about you, but I get goosebumps when I step into history like this!

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