17 June 2009

tíos y primas!

Look who came to visit us back in April!!! Los tíos Luis y Saioa y las primas Nora y Maia!!

They stayed for ten days this time and, although we didn't go too far afield, we enjoyed some nice family days.
So, are you ready for an epic JamRobBlog post?!
Ok, then, here goes....

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With five kids in the house, we made sure there was plenty of entertainment...

Daddy and Tío Luis put on an improvised puppet show for the kids one afternoon!

Locan and Nora were particularly enthralled...

...and highly entertained

* * * * *

On the Saturday we decided to take the train from Dalkey to Howth for the day.

Maia waiting for the train...

For the first few days Maia made strange with us a little but I think that was the day she really came out of her shell...

Liam seemed so grown-up beside his little cousins!

I think he really liked being the eldest in the gang!

Train rides are fun!!

* * * * *

It was a chilly day in Howth... though quite normal for that time of year.

We headed straight to Wrights for some shopping,...

And then to Ivan's for some indulgence ;)

Oysters and white wine... yum!

(I just couldn't resist posting this hilarious shot of Malachy fooling around with his reflection in the bathroom hand-drier!)
* * * * *
Luis and Saoia invited us to lunch at Findlaters and, afterwards, we headed to the playground for some good old fun!

Maia loved every minute of it!

Look at those chubby cheeks!

She couldn't get enough!

Malachy was delighted to have his cousins around...

...especially when they shared their yoghurt with him ;)

After Nora woke up from her nap she joined in on the fun...

Look at them go!

{click on the mosaics for a larger view}

* * * * *

After the playground, we headed over to the harbour to see the seals...

...and look at the boats.

By the time we got back to the train station we were all pretty tired. So straight off home we went.

After we got all the kiddos into bed, the grown-ups enjoyed the treats we had bought that day: jumbo prawns and white wine...

* * * * * *

On the Sunday, we went to the People's Park in Dun Laoghaire for the day...
there, we played ball,...

ate hot-dogs and other yummy snacks...

...had a look around the market,...

...and played some more!

Maia was in great form that day!


* * * * * *

Later, we went for a walk on the seafront and down Dun Laoghaire pier...

Poor Nora really felt the Irish cold!

Our lads are more used to it ;)

After a while we gave up on walking in the wind... and decided to head on home...

Tío Luis entertained Liam and Nora while we waited for Daddy to come back and pick us up.

Liam laughed his head off!

And Nora thought it was hilarious too!!

* * * * *

At home, each day we played with all the boy's toys. There were almost all new to Nora and she was really taken with our Playmobil farm and Lorcan's doctor's set! So cute.
* * * * *

On their last day, Saioa (who is an art teacher by trade) guided the kids through a spontaneous art class at home. We broke out the overalls and the kids got painting...

Jaime helped Lorcan create his very own abstract painting...

And Liam decided he was going to use his big canvas to do a painting of a three-piece rock band (just like the one he says he and his brothers are going to form in a few years!!)...

He drew the outline of his characters in pencil first...

...and then the painting began,...

Nora* did a great job helping to fill in the orange foreground in Liam's painting...
*I know you're wondering what's with the bandage on Nora's head. The poor little thing slipped and fell at Sandycove that day and cut herself a pretty deep little hole just in her hairline. We tried bandaging and plastering it ourselves but it looked too deep so Jaime and Saioa took her to the hospital where they glued it together and applied some paper stitches. She was such a brave girl. We're hoping there won't be a scar... but I guess if there is, it will always be a reminder of her April '09 trip to Dublin with the lads.

...and Saioa went over the outline of each character in black marker once the paint was dry.

The finished result turned out like this :)
When Saioa asked Malachy what he wanted to paint, he decided it had to be a wild animal of some sort!...
...a cheetah, no less!

He utterly enjoyed his painting experience, just as he always does when he paints with Daddy... the kid has a great combination of meticulousness and flair!

I think the result looks very Picasso-inspired!

All three works of art we made that day now hand in our dining room and we love them!

* * * * * *

Well, guys... we'll be seeing you again in just a few weeks!

Summer's almost here.....!

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