25 June 2009

Roma, città aperta...

At the beginning of May, Jaime and I went to Rome for a heavenly child-free long weekend! Liam, Malachy and Lorcan got to spend the weekend with Granny and Grandad (thanks guys!) while we stayed in Prati, central Rome, with our gorgeous friends Michelle and Luca (thanks for having us!!!).
I took so many photos, there's no way I could make a selection and upload as many as I would like here... so I've decided to settle for mosaics instead... just to give you a feel of what we did.
Above are just some of the amazing sights we saw...
{Try clicking on the mosaics for a larger view. Sometimes Blogger actually let's you do that!}

Michelle and Luca! With their kids, Anna and Peter (hi guys!) at the beach with their grandparents for the weekend, it was like a mini holiday for all four of us! Thanks to them we avoided all the tourists traps, ate like royalty and got to zip around the city in true Roman style: on the back of a Vespa....!!!

I was so taken by the cute cinquecentos everywhere!

And the food! Oh my god, the food!

And the people... the quintessential Roman people.

To whom it may concern: we really should do this more often ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the links to such great "helps" blogs. I like to see what's new also and I just love to find someone showing how something is done!

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