25 June 2009

our baby's 3!

On 25 April 2009 Lorcan turned three. At the risk of sounding clichéed, his Daddy and I are still asking ourselves how did that happen? We moved here to Dublin when he was three MONTHS old... and now, suddenly, he's three YEARS old! Pinch me. I must be dreaming.
He is the sweetest, happiest, most self-sufficient kid there is. He has a strong personality (yes, that includes a temper!) and the BEST sense of humour. He's healthy and strong, eats well and runs, climbs and kicks a ball like with passion and promise.
He loves to talk and loves to be listened to. He speaks English and Spanish almost equally well -English a little better. He'll be starting preschool in September and has already gone along a few times to try it out... with great success!
He loves his brothers, his Mum, his Dad and his grandparents. He has a smile for everyone -and I mean EVERYONE he walks by.
He makes us so happy. He makes us complete. We love our little Lorcan boy.

Lorcan decided he wanted a 'robot cake' for his birthday... so robot cake it was! Underneath the lollipop heart, m&m teeth, jelly eyes and blue mascarpone cheese frosting, there's actually a very healthy carrot cake! I swear!

On the day of Lorcan's birthday, our friends Javier, Ivonne and Isabella came to dinner... and afterwards Granny and Granddad came in for cake time, candle blowing and present giving!

{Click to enlarge and watch the candle blowing sequence!}

He was a very happy birthday boy!

Javier and his girls in our back garden on Lorcan's birthday.

Lorcan got all sorts of big fun pressies. But when all was said and done, once they were all unwrapped and oooh'ed and aaahh'ed over, what did he go for? This tiny little wind-up dinosaur!
Proving that small really is beautiful.

The kiddos finished off the afternoon playing Hungry Hippos and plasticine.

And now if I could just figure out a way to stop time...!


Rondell said...
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Unknown said...

Congrats, I love the new layout, the use of tags is great . NICE!
Thanks for the post....
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