06 June 2009

golden sunshiney days

By now, anyone who reads this blog knows that we like to go to Howth every once in a while to buy fish and seafood at Wrights, eat oysters at Ivans, have dinner at Findlaters. In fact, if you're family or friend, you've probably been there with us at some point!
So... at the risk of boring you to tears, here comes another "Howth post" on the JamRobBlog... because we just can't get enough :)

This is Anaut... our favourite French fishmonger at Wrights :)

Liam, a discerning shopper.

Malachy sneaking a rest in Lorcan's buggy.

Oysters at Ivan's... pure bliss!

The quietest moment of the meal at Findlaters: when the three of them tuck into their dessert of chocolate ice-cream and cherries.

So, once we've shopped and been fed... it's time to hit the seafront -and the playground -and the pier :)

* * * * *

As the sun began to go down on that evening back in March... the light became wonderfully golden. That kind of light makes everything look so much nicer!


*heart-shaped moss*
can you see it?

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