05 June 2009

green days!

What's the most important celebration in March?...

-Paddy's Day, of course!!
This year the St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin lasted all weekend long! And with Paddy's Day on the Tuesday, the weekend was extra-long :)

On the Sunday we went into town for the St. Patrick's Festival and FunFair at Merrion Square. This is Malachy staring out the window of the train...!

Everyone was wearing something green. Even Eddie Rocket was flying the flag.

And Even our Basque-JamRob-Dad went green for the occasion :)

All around Merrion Square there were performers and music and shows and fun for the family...
This one Tyrolean comic was particularly hilarious :D

At one point Lorcan took a nap on Daddy's shoulder.

Not even the troupe of Samba drummers could wake him up!

...while energy bombs Liam and Malachy continued having non-stop fun!

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Half of Dublin was there that day, so we inevitably bumped into some friends...

Liam with Ciarán and Malachy with Fina
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The Fanzini Brothers

Prison Love

The Science Fair

Desmond, the breakdancer
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It was a long, fun-filled day.

And... just as we were heading back to the train station...

One of the organisers came over and handed me a bunch of free tickets to the fun fair!!!


So, to the funfair we went!!!


Liam and Mummy did some serious spinnning on the Waltzer!!!

Malachy on the platform, waiting for the train to come and take us home... at the end of the long Festival Day.

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But that's still not the END of our GREEN DAY pics.... oh no!
Below are the pics we took at the St. Patrick's Day Parade in Dublin.... enjoy:

Waiting for the parade....
watching the passers-by:

wishing he were taller (so he could see over the crowds and get a better view of the parade!)

Liam resourcefully asked some complete strangers if he could share a rung on their ladder... and they obliged!

town after the parade...

"Three pints, please"
...on the train home.

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