25 June 2009

audrey & niamh!

One glorious sunny (yes, sunny!) day in April (yes, April!)... we met Audrey and Sam -up all the way from Cork- and Niamh and Peter -over from Swords- at the People's Park for some fun!

It was soooo good to see the girls again. So many memories of our days in Barcelona come rushing back!

Oh, yeah... and, um, that was the day that Liam fell into the People's Park fountain. Ooops. A day to go down in history. Fortunately for him, the sun was shining and his stuff dried pretty fast.

Lorcan and Sam: the two littlest dudes!

Sam and his Mam ;)

Peter 'Pan' is a huge hit with our lads!

Thanks for coming over to our side of town, guys! It was soooo great to see you!

The park was looking especially spring-y and beautiful that day, so after the others left, we stayed around a little while longer enjoying the sunshine.

There was an open percussion workshop going on so we soon joined in! Malachy found a way to make music with his entire body!

Lorcan banged his very own drum.

And afterwards we found the longest worm I've ever seen!

And the cutest trainee guide dog puppy!

That evening Daddy took a plane to Barcelona for a few days. The rest of us? Well once Liam's shoes and socks had dried, we headed on home, content after our full and happy day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi! What a nice blog indeed. I love so much these pictures ...
I will for sure come back to visit your blog :)

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