15 November 2007

goodbye gipuzkoa

We had a great time in Gipuzkoa! After Luis and Saioa left for their summer holiday in Mallorca, we squated in their house for another few days before moving on. Thanks Luis, Saioa and Nora for everything :)

Here are some pix from our last few days there.

"Sometimes I borrow Lorcan's buggie for a quick afternoon nap"

"Would you like some of my 'Bocata de chorizo'?... I'm hoping you say no!"

"The weather's not great for the beach today, but I've got my ball at the ready just in case".

But the sun did come out in the end... and we made it to La Concha for some fun.

Jaime going in...

Liam's sandy ideas!

Liam going in, Malachy coming out.

The boys are in the background... I lovethe image of the two old ladies (probably sisters) paddling by the shore.

Off they go...

Dry off now... We've got to go...

All set.

Ladies and Gents!

... the little lady.

The seafront.

All together...

Brothers Jambrina


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