26 November 2007

more gallarta... and some algorta

So, what did we do while we were staying in Gallarta? For a start we did this:

played on the local stick-the-money-in-the-slot car

took turns on it

took a walk to the playground in the town square

got instantly friendly with the local girls ;)

found the perfect baby swing for Lorcan

learnt to "drive" the school bus

did some bouncy brotherly bonding

made sure it was all recorded for posterity

looked cuter that cute (spiderman!)

walked some more

looked cuter than cute (superman!)

crossed the River Nervión to take a stroll with Abuela and Nacho along the beach at Ereaga and the lighthouse pier

chatted and sauntered

decided that not all August days are beach days and that's ok

walked the wall with Abuela

loved that swirly sky

bought ice-cream from Aberasturi (the best ice-cream and sorbet in the world, according to Daddy).

confirmed that this ice-cream is pretty damn good

savoured the treat

all together by the rocks

...every last drop

looked over to the Puerto Viejo de Algorta

walked (or was carried or pushed) right to the end of the pier

swang with Mummy and Abuela

watched the fishermen

looked up at the lighthouse tower

...and then turned around and went back home again.


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