24 November 2007

Bermeo eta Mundaka

This is Bermeo, a small(ish) fishing port on the Bay of Biscay.

We spent the morning there and had a look at the ships in the harbour.

Then we headed towards the port bars and cafés for "mosto y aceitunas" (grape juice and olives).
Look at all my summertime freckles!

Relaxing on holiday...

Bits of Bermeo...

Bermeo, bye bye...

After a gorgeous lunch of paella and roast sardines, we headed back down the coast a bit to Mundaka...

There, the beach is big and not at all crowded... and there's a playground!

In this little inlet, the water is so calm it's like a lake!

While Malachy, Liam and mummy played in the water, Lorcan stayed on shore with Jaime...

I'm under attack!

After plenty of fun, we packed up to go back to Amorebieta where Unai and friends were waiting...

Quick stop at the playground...


Merienda... and we're off.

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