26 November 2007

alubiada vizcaína

On the Sunday while we were in Amorebieta, an "alubiada" was organised! We drove to a tiny little village in the mountains of Bizkaia (can't remember the name), where Gorka's grandmother lives and where there is a beautiful country hotel with a great traditional Basque restaurant. Speciality: alubias vizcaínas (biscay beans!).

On the way we stopped off at the car wash :)

And took some raindrop photo experiments.

And made another stop for a swim at the reservoir.

Bathing boys.

Malachy clinging on to Unai!

Drying off...

Lazing around...

Fruit break.

We passed this cute town on our way "Saint Valentine's" up the hills.

The little guys took a travelling nap.

The views are so beautiful there.

The day clouded a little as we went up and up...

Malachy's still stuck on Unai.

And this is where we had dinner! (I need to find the name of this place and post a link).

Apperitif at the bar before our meal. Liam looked like just another one of the big guys.

Malachy peeked up too.

The restuarant (and guest house) was an old country house that has been completely restored.

The view of the hills below as we ate was spectacular!

"Alubias para todos".

To make you big and strong...

The chef told us that he had put our pot on a low flame at seven o'clock that morning. We ate at 3pm! This dish comes with servings of morcilla, tocino and chorizo and also boiled white cabbage and a simple salad of lettuce and onion.

We really enjoyed our meal!

And afterwards, the clouds took over the sky and it lashed rain for most of the afternoon. We visited Gorka's grandmother before heading back down the hill.

And amidst this fog and rain, we drove back to Amorebieta, stopped off at the video club, rented some movies and relaxed for the evening.... :)

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