24 June 2008

birthday and bye-bye...

For ages now the kids have been asking: "When are we going on our holidays?"...

And each time we would tell them: "After Mummy's birthday"...

Well, that was yesterday... and, yes indeed, we're going on our holidays... TOMORROW!!!

For 7 weeks!

So there will probably be no updates on the JamRobBlog until some time in August, wow! At least we're up to date again (for now), which is more than I could say for a long time.

* * * * *

Here are some pix from Mummy's birthday tea-party yesterday:

The gorgeous cake came courtesy of Granny and Granddad. Thanks, it was delishhh!

Before I opened all my cool pressies, we got ready to attack the birthday cake!

Here we go...

I got some help blowing out my candles. We didn't even bother trying to fit the full 37 onto the cake (although it probably would have been big enough!!!)

* * * * *

Have a great summer everyone! See you in August.


1 comment:

Luis y Saioa said...

gracias por compartir esos buenos momentos y ordenarlos y comentarlos en blog para todos nosotros. Es un placer poder volver a disfrutarlo y revivirlo. ¡Eres un CRACK!