24 September 2008

because you're worth it

Dear JamRobBlog,
By now you must be thinking that we have completely forsaken you. Fear not, we would never do a thing like that. Not to you.
But, what's that you say? Oh... that we've left you unattended for long periods of time before... and that every time we do, you think that this time it might be for good?
Don't be silly! We never mean to leave you alone and bored for so long. We always have a good reason.
And this time, we even have a valid excuse! You see Blogger (you know the internet portal where you sleep at night) recently informed us, in not so many words, that you've, um, outgrown your little niche of cyberspace. That's right, you heard me! You're too big now! We're not allowed to feed you photos any more, because if we do, you'll keep growing... and Blogger says that's just not allowed...
... unless... (yep, there's a condition)... unless we pay for your accommodation!!!
It seems that if we want to keep you alive and active, we've gotta pay! So we thought long and hard about what to do. Long and hard for a full ten seconds! Of course we'll pay. Of course you're worth it!
So now we're off to shell out a few dollars in exchange for 10GB of "space" for you and, hopefully, within 24 hours or so, you'll be jamrobrolling again!
See you soon, bloggie dearest...
Yours sincerely,
The JamRobbers!

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