26 September 2008

guadamía and playa de toró

Hey, we forgot to show you where we were staying for our first two weeks! The green house in the row above was ours. Nestled between the coastline and the mountains in the tiny village of Llames de Pría.

To find out a little more about the area, we went back into Llanes (with an 'n'... which isn't the tiny village of Llames (with an 'm') that we were staying in!) and visited the tourist office. It's in that cool castle tower in the photo.

Armed with our maps and tourist info, we went for a walk around the old town.

Yes, he's getting very big!

Then we headed for the idyllic beach "Playa de Toró"....

And we spent the rest of the day there... doing all sorts of beachy, holiday things...

(If you're looking back at this years from now, Malachy, yes, I admit it, I clipped your fringe back off your face with one of my hairclips!!!!... But I'll have you know, you didn't mind one bit! And I thought, so what?... everyone always mistakes you for a girl anyway!!!)

our baby beach boy!

dig, dig, dig...

On our way home, we stopped at the fishmongers for some supplies...

And had a mosto and some olives on a 'terraza' in town.

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