26 September 2008

gulpiyuri and río caliente

Hidden along the coast of Asturias, between Llanes and Ribadesella, is the inland beach called "Gulpiyuri"... we found out about it from the locals and got directions on how to find it...
So we headed over one morning, nice and early.... the beach only fills at high tide and we didn't want to miss it.

There it is... it's at least 100 metres from the actual coastline... but it's a beach! There's a cave and the waves crash through at high tide, forming the cutest, and most secluded beach you can imagine...

When we got there, there was just one other bather... a local man who told us all about Gulpiyuri.

Then we got down to business. We stayed there all morning.

Later we headed back further inland and drove towards Río Caliente...

* * * * *

Río Caliente is a little town (close to Río Frío!) at the end of the "Caminu Encantau" (the enchanted walk)...

A typical "horrea" used for storing grain and other foods, safe from the cold and snow.

We visited a local farm...

chatted to the farmers

and played by the river...

we stopped for refreshments..

and then we headed on our walk through the "Caminu Entantau"...

where we met these!!! look at those horns!!!... I have to admit we got a tiny bit freaked out when the wouldn't get off the path and out of our way... they just stood there, motionless and staring... and those horns did not look very friendly!... after a while we decided to slowly but surely walk towards them and down the path (there was no other way out!)... and, of course, they eventually got out of our way :)

Spot the difference! No, can't see it? Look at Liam's left shoe!! Urgh! Mudbath!

The "Bosgosu" has a statue in the middle of the forest...

After our trek through the "caminu encantau", we drove back through the hills to the coast...

Bye for now...

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