19 June 2008

Dudes in Dun Laoghaire

If some of these sights look familiar, that's because we can't resist sharing yet more pix of our favourite Sunday stuff: the Dun Laoghaire farmers' market, the People's Park, the seafront at Seapoint and Sandycove.... etc., etc., etc.

What makes these a little more special is all the blooming early summer flowers and the (mostly) blue skies we marvelled at along the way...

stalling before hitting the stalls...

there's a great seed stall where we get our supplies of seeds, pulses and yummy dried fruits (mmm mango)

the now legendary italian sausage 'hot-dog'... with everything on it!

his t-shirt says "Homework kills trees!! Stop the madness!"

I can't quite recall what that grumpy look was all about... but I know it's always hard to keep a straight face when Malachy's melodrama clicks into action!

Merrier eating a medlar... mmmm

The infamous cheesey grin!

Yeah, it looks like I might be getting a bit big for this!

Eating again. This time, snacking on olives :P

Dun Laoghaire dude in denim. (OK, ok, I'll go easy on the alliteration for a while... Sorry!)

I love the old buildings in the People's Park: the bandstand, the old tea rooms, the gate-keepers house, the old public toilets. This is the back of the old tea rooms... still used today.

And here on the other side, the ivy seems to be taking over, outside and in!

The park was flooded in tulips, standing tall and colourful.

The kids have a thing about snails. This book might have something to do with that!

Boating in the bay.

Blue meets blue.

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