23 June 2008

play, play, play... play in every way.

At the park again...
Taking a breather...

With Lorcan on the front seat of Mummy's bike, Malachy on the back seat of Daddy's, and Liam cycling all on his own... we love going out all together on our bikes!!

snacking and playing.

* * * * *

A couple of weeks ago, Liam had his last class at music school for this year. He has now completed the "Children's World of Music" 2-year introduction course. He learned a lot of things: the families of the orchestra, the instruments in each family, the different styles of music, tempos, reading musical notes and symbols, etc. And he had an introduction to playing the piano, the recorder and the violin.

We all went to his recital to cheer him on...

Well done, Liam!

Afterwards we went to celebrate... in the form of hot chocolate and mini-muffins!! Mmmm

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