23 July 2007

school to zoo!

Jorden, Liam, Tadhg and Paul: the cutest quartet ever on their first ever school trip!

Me and a couple of other mums volunteered to help the lovely Miss Cooney out on their day out at the zoo!

The kids were great-- ah, the excitement -- lining up, getting the bus all together...

... queuing, getting in!

oh, and seeing the animals, of course!

We split the class into manageable little groups. I had this fabulous four!

After seeing ALL the animals in record time and having lunch in the picnic area, the kids did some environmental education activities with the zoo staff.

It was a great day. And it didn't end there for me! The day after the excursion, Miss Cooney had the boys in the class make this for me:

Precious boy art! I love it!

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