05 July 2007

may days

Lorcan enjoying one of his biggest passions: reading. (Other passions include: eating, babbling, laughing, walking, dancing and more eating.) He loves to pick up a book and carefully go through it page by page, babbling away to himself, imitating the sounds of the animals he finds within and then starting all over again.

Having a not-so-great meal but still a great time at our local Italian restaurant.

Park time! Here we all are at Cabinteely park in May. As I write this it's early July and the weather outside is like winter :( We've had rain and chilly days for over a fortnight now and it's quickly losing its cosy appeal. We're ready for the summer to come back, please!!! Here are some photos to remember the summer we had here in April and May...

pears in the park

mandarins too

oh, and bananas...

Lorcan is happy when he's swinging.

ok... here's the whole sequence:

are they cute or what?

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