24 July 2007

girl in the garden...

Every now and then a girl comes to play in our garden! This time it was Anna's turn...

There was lots of pirate ship playing :)

We ate some healthy stuff (strawberries yum!)... and then some not-so-healthy stuff (blue ice-pops!)

A pirate ship full of multi-coloured balls... and an orange slide!

Tending to the veggie garden.

23 July 2007

growing our own!!

Take a little plot of moist, rich soil...

Add lots of loving care and water regularly...

Soon what you sow will begin to grow...

And grow....

... and GROW!!!

... wait patiently for your fruits and veggies to ripen...

... then reap and EAT!!

This year we've grown and eaten our own lettuces, onions, broad beans, strawberries, cherry tomatoes and gooseberries (the blackberries and figs are coming out slowly)... and that's not to mention the herb plot on the other side of the garden that's bursting with thyme, rosemary, mint, fennel, chives, etc!

school to zoo!

Jorden, Liam, Tadhg and Paul: the cutest quartet ever on their first ever school trip!

Me and a couple of other mums volunteered to help the lovely Miss Cooney out on their day out at the zoo!

The kids were great-- ah, the excitement -- lining up, getting the bus all together...

... queuing, getting in!

oh, and seeing the animals, of course!

We split the class into manageable little groups. I had this fabulous four!

After seeing ALL the animals in record time and having lunch in the picnic area, the kids did some environmental education activities with the zoo staff.

It was a great day. And it didn't end there for me! The day after the excursion, Miss Cooney had the boys in the class make this for me:

Precious boy art! I love it!

dublin on a sunday in the rain

Umbrella boys going to catch the tram to town on Sunday in June.

Us under the rain on Grafton street

Liam letting the world go by.

It rained all day on and off. But the boys in their wellies didn't care!

But that didn't stop the energetic ladies (and some gents) taking part in the annual Women's Marathon from doing their thing!!

Ah... and eventually the rain stopped completely :)))

We went to Eddie Rockets on South Anne street for lunch.

And then to Stephen's Green for a stroll.

22 July 2007

barcelona in may

We flew to Barcelona last May for Lorcan's check-up with the surgeon who performed his lip operation. That was on the last day of our four-day trip.

Other events included:
...a visit with Lorcan's peadiatrician and a vaccination. As you can see he wasn't hassled by any of that at all :)

a lovely 'mammasitas' dinner date for Mummy with the Casc Antic mammas (photos courtesy of Laia!);

the final emptying and selling of our old home (a nostalgic experience) and meeting Graeme and Antonio, the really nice couple who've bought it.

shopping at camper, desigual and fnac; eating mejillones al vapor and seafood paella with albariño wine on the beach, walking the city streets (a lot!) and basically enjoying ourselves :)

Lorcan got to meet lots of our friends...
it was especially nice to see MariCarmen "y su Manuel" ;)
and see Fabian and Saida again and meet cute Ariana!

We *love* Barcelona

21 July 2007

doing things

eating corn on the cob (yum!)...

eating and drinking (anything!) by myself!...


growing a spectacular flower!...


wondering who we all are (We're Bob and Nemo, by the way. Hi!)...

fooling around in mum and dad's bed...

reading in the garden...

16 July 2007

4 x 4

Snippets that come in groups of four... just because.

Messing around at the giant shell sculpture on the seafront.

Having Noreen, Julian and Anna over for dinner.

Wine shopping at Enowine in Monkstown, where you can taste before you buy and where they sell our favourite Spanish white: Guitian.

Remembering when Lorcan needed help to walk :)

Buying ice-cream at Teddy's and eating it on the seafront

Shoes and swings and slides