19 June 2008

like riding a bike

Guess who can cycle on two wheels now? You should see him go!

Liam got this bike for his 4th birthday. It has stabilisers on it then and for a long time he wasn't interested in taking them off. Then one day a few months ago, he asked us to remove them so that he could try cycling like a "big boy". But, as soon as they were off, he decided, nope... he wasn't ready. So the bike sat in the shed on its two wheels for a few months more. Then one day about a month ago, he said he wanted to take it out and try it again. And, hey presto... no tumbles, no fear... all of a sudden, when he put his mind to it, he could ride his bike unassisted! That's our boy!

Malachy has gone for a different option. He as a cool little two-wheeler bike with no pedals! He whooshes along, propelling himself with his feet. He's a little flier!

cycling in the park
making wishes

do you like my freckles?

other "bikes" we like to ride at the park

pure concentration


our tree in all its glory

on yer bike

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola, soy pepa. Yo tambiƩn tengo una bici como la de Malachy. Quiero jugar con Liam otra vez

Que vengas a mi casa que tengo muchos juguetes.
