26 April 2005

Bob the Builder

Liam's never actually seen the TV show, but he's got the theme tune on a CD his grandad made for him, has seen the merchandising and somehow he knows exactly who Bob is! It's the first track on the CD, which obviously means that the entire CD is the "Bob the Builder Music", and so we get it all the time: "I want to listen to Bob the Builder, I want to listen to Bob the Builder, I want to listen to Bob the Builder, I want to listen to Bob the Builder, Mammy!!!".... these pestering, whining attempts generally fail, so after a while the penny usually drops and the more persuasive: "Can I listen to Bob the Builder, please Mammy" comes out (often only after some prompting though)... Oh, but if only I had one euro for each time we've listened to that ****ing CD!!!
Oh and if only you could hear Liam's hilarious pronunciation of the word "builder" (/bewlda/ or something like that -very English-sounding oddly!!!!). Has us in knots.

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