21 December 2007

"nenazas" in Dublin

This is MariCarmen. You may have seen her on here before. She and I worked together in Barcelona for a long time. I knew she'd eventually come over and visit us JamRobbers in Dublin... and that eventually happened in September of this year...

With Rosita and Marta too!! Yay!

"Nenazas": MariCarmen, Rosita, Marta and Vanessa (look at the state of me!)... out on the town in Dublin.

Having a symbolic drink in the International Bar at the start of our night.

I was very happy to be out in Dublin with the girls :D

And the boys were very, very happy to wake up and find a house full of friendly faces :)

The girls came bearing gifts (Cola-Cao and vino included!)...

And spent time playing and reading with the lads.

We went walking in Killiney Hill park and later they went to Howth.

* * * * *
Jaime, Lorcan and the girls went to Glendalough for the morning on their last day:

* * * * *
A "quiet" last night at home ;)

MariCarmen took this as they were climbing into the taxi on the way back to the airport.
It was so great to have you here, ladies.
Volver pronto... ¡cuándo queréis!

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