05 December 2007


August isn't always sun and heat in northern Spain. In fact a little stormy, rainy, pretty cold weather usually always shows its face for a few days. Look at that grey sky.

The rain wasn't going to deter us though. Out we went.

Into Bilbao... to visit the Guggenheim Museum.

I think everyone had the same idea because the queue was ridiculously long. In the end we didn't buy tickets to see the exhibitions because the waiting time was just too much to expect the kids to go through.

At least we were indoors while the rain flooded down outside...

... a spectacular sight from inside the crazy structure of the Guggi.

The "Fiestas de Bilbao" were still officially in full swing... but all outdoor shows were washed right out :(

We did see the "Puppy" though... and buy some nice souvenirs in the gift shop.

And have a 'mosto' and a 'pintxo' in the Guggenheim bar.

... And try to dry off our soaking selves in the cool colourful loos.

Not that that made any difference because the moment we left the place, a huge shower of torrential rain drenched us all to the skin!... By the time we got back to the car, we were all soaked from head to toe. We immediately headed back to Abuela's to change, dry off and warm back up :)

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