10 May 2007

feeding the seals

An afternoon walking on the pier... watching the trawlers come in and the fishermen work and feeding the seals that live beside the fishmonger's on the Coal Quay in Dun Laoghaire.

Mummy gets a tiny bit freaked out (to say the very least) about the possibility of someone falling off the pier into the water so she tends to remain rather tense and in the background for the duration.

Then a trawler arrived...

and was unloaded...

... and we went over to take a look!

crab claws, oooh!

lobster claws... wow!

brother buddies... yay!

...and the seals circling and waiting to be fed

...the fishmonger gave the boys some scraps and they fed the seals and got a thrill out of watching them devour those fishy bits so fast!

... then a rest on the pier (look at Lorcan, he's about to keel over in his buggy!) and home we go!

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