16 May 2007


5 April 2007: Kerry here we come! So we hit the road (some looking more hyper than others) planning to stop and visit the the town of Cashel and it's famous Rock at lunchtime.

No, that's not it! But you'd be amazed how many castles (or castle-type structures) you pass on the road from Dublin to Cork or Kerry!

That on the other hand is indeed The Rock of Cashel, seen from our moving car as we approached Cashel town in County Tipperary.

And a very quaint town it is too...

We headed straight for "the rock" and parked at its foot.

It was a beautiful clear day... look at that blue sky!

Part of Cashel town, facing east from the rock

The boys, particularly Malachy, is enchanted by all things castle related! He spent the entire holiday asking: "Are we going to see a castle today, Mummy?" EVERY day!

The view westward from the Rock is breathtaking!

"Look how far away we can see, Daddy!"

Even Lorcan was excited by the beautiful scenery :)

As much as Malachy insists on calling it a castle, on the Rock of Cashel there are in fact a combination of buildings, none of which are (or ever were) really 'castles' at all. There is a chapel, a cathedral, a round tower, a vicars' choral hall and a cemetery.

Ruins below in the distance.

Celtic crosses.

We're on our hols :)

Me too!

Lorcan and the round tower...

Lunch in the old graveyard on the rock.

tower and jets

light streams out.

light streams in.

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