26 December 2006

Operation Lorcan

As you all know, Lorcan had his lip operation in Barcelona on 31 October (Halloween!) just after he turned 6 months. He was the bravest, best baby ever and went through it all really well. Here he is the day before the operation -oblivious to why we had taken him off to Barcelona again!
He started eating solids early, at around 5 months, to prepare his little body for the post-op eating difficulties (no breat, no bottle, no sucking allowed -just syringe and soft silicone spoon). He's a fabulous eater and has never (yet) turned his nose up at anything!

Handing him over to the doctors outside the operating room for his surgery was so difficult. We knew he was in good hands, but that didn't make the 3-hour wait much easier! What did help was meeting another couple with a little girl -Lua- who had already gone through surgery once. They gave us loads of advice and put our minds at rest. Thank you!

All the nurses and doctors said that most babies come out of general aneasthetic and just drift into a nice peaceful sleep. Not Lorcan! His 12-hour fast meant that he was hungry -and that, coupled with the restraints on his arms and all the strange faces he saw when he opened his eyes, really made him cry. Roar! So the first face we saw when they brought him to his room, where we were waiting, was this sad face... but through his frown we could see the wonderful job the surgeons had done on his lovely little lip.

After sipping some milk through a syringe for a while and getting some cuddles from his Mammy and Daddy, he became more serene...

And shortly after that he was back to his playful self!!! Posted by Picasa

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