24 December 2006

Mr. Lambert

This photo may not mean anything to YOU, but to ME this was a historical moment!! :)
This man, Mr. Eugene Lambert, was one of my childhood heros! His Wanderly Wagon TV show on RTE was a favourite amongst all Irish children of my age. We took the kids to see Jack and the Beanstalk at his Lambert Puppet Theatre in Monkstown and I was amazed to see that though now over 80 years old, Mr. Lambert is still an active puppeteer and runs shows all year round! His children and grandchildren have learnt the art of puppetry from him and work with him at his theatre.

Liam laughed his heart out and still now months later tells us the same jokes he heard there that day over and over again! The little puppet museum upstairs was a trip down memory lane -with all the characters I knew and loved in my childhood!

We're going back next week to see The Sleeping Beauty! Posted by Picasa

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