28 September 2006


I moved to Barcelona on 30 December 2000. Jaime came down from Bilbao a few months later when he had finished at the UPV. First we lived with our friend Unai in a rooftop flat on Calle Aragó, one of the main arteries running through the busy city. We had an amazing year in Barcelona in 2001. It was so much fun and so refreshing to be somewhere big and new.

Then we decided to get down to business and we got pregnant in early December 2001. We had bought, renovated and moved into Rec Comtal, 9, Principal 4, Barcelona, by March 2002.

We got married in the Barcelona Civil Registry Office on 18 April 2002.

We had Liam right there in Barcelona’s Hospital del Mar on 28 August 2002. We quickly got into the swing of family life in Barcelona and took Liam to his first 'school' there in Portal Nou in September of 2003.

Malachy was born in Barcelona’s Hospital del Mar on 27 July 2004. In October 2004 we all moved into Rec Comtal, 9, Principal 3 (just next door) after buying it from our neighbour and renovating it from top to bottom. Malachy started 'school' in Portal Nou in September of 2005.

We all made many good friends in Barcelona and felt very much at home in our Casc Antic neighbourhood. We spent our days strolling around the park, the zoo, the old town streets and terraces.

We conceived again in Platja d’Aro, Girona, in the summer of 2005 and, as we knew we would be leaving town soon, we had a nice quiet Christmas there, welcoming in 2006 as a family in Barcelona and visiting all the city’s cultural venues while we had the chance!

Our last little baby boy Lorcan was born on 25 April 2006 in the Hospital del Mar in Barcelona and when he was just 3 months old we moved away.

We moved to Dublin the day before Malachy’s 2nd birthday, on 26 July 2006. We are happy here but can't help letting our minds wander back to the place that used to be home...

So many things happened to us in Barcelona. We miss it and the people there who are dear to us. As long as we live, we will never forget our time there.

We are sure to return to visit often but know that it will never be the same again...

Goodbye Barcelona,... adeu.

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