15 March 2010

portobello and friends

Our sweet friends Niamh and Peter introduced us to Vincenza, Giovanni and Anna Livia at the Soul Festival last May (let's just pretend that 10 months haven't gone by since I intended to post these photos, shall we?). We all hit it off rather wonderfully and soon met up with the whole gang again for a gorgeous day in their home and neighbourhood...

These are great people!
Talk about hospitality...! Giovanni's Italian mamma made us the most delicious homemade Italian meal, which we all devoured and mouth-wateringly recall to this day...!

The kids (as always) polished off their food faster than the speed of light... so in order to allow the grown-ups some leisurely coffee and dessert time, we resorted to some on-screen Walt Disney, of course.

It was a beautiful, sunny early summer afternoon, so we all headed out to enjoy it. The guys took us up the canal to Dartmouth square, where we hung out till the sun started setting. It was a pretty heavenly day all round :)

We broke out the prosecco and Delphine came and joined us too.

Niamh bravely let Liam take some snaps with her camera...
... and they both enjoyed checking out the results :D

Oh being able to roll on dry fresh-smelling grass...!
We have to do this more often!

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