22 October 2009

darting back into action

Well hello! I know, I know, we ended up taking a pretty long blog hiatus again! Those are never planned. It must be just something about the way life flows.

Have you missed us?

We've had a number of posts sitting in drafts for quite some time.

So, come join us while we dart back into action.

Speaking of "darts" here are some photos from a day we spent in Howth with our friends Javi, Yvonne and Isabella. The kids had fun taking the DART (local train) out there... and the grown-ups had fun eating these when we got there:


Liam was especially chuffed to be going on an outing with his buddy Isabella.

We went for a walk and saw the usual portside sights of Howth harbour.

Including the seals, of course (... I'm happier to stand back from the edge... that drop, ahem, freaks me out!!)

Everyone -young and old alike- had fun that day.

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