14 April 2009

remember... november

As I post this, Spring is in full swing... new leaves and blossoms are blooming and -in between the rain showers- the sun is warming us. But these pictures were taken last November, when the trees in our parks looked like this:

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Other things we did last November:

We met up with Isabella one Sunday...

...and played in the park,

....and took a stroll on the pier.

It rained that day too... but we didn't really mind.

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We went to see a really cool production of Hansel and Gretel at the Pavillion!
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We did our usual "rounds" of the local parks.

Though some days were so wintry and cold that we soon retreated home to get cosy with some hot chocolate!

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We spotted this heron in Kilbogget Park!

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We had Fina over for the day with her mum, Rosa.
... and put on one of our spontaneous puppet shows :)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hola a todos,

Es increíble lo grandes que estan los niños y lo hermosas que están las fotos. Un beso y abrazo a cada uno de los protagonistas de tan magnífica familia.

Desde México...Jimena Quintana