25 February 2009

big boy birthday {belated}

How much fun is it humanly possible to pack into one birthday? Scroll on down and see! This is what we did to celebrate Liam's 6th Birthday back in August....

First we headed into town on a mission...

We were headed for one shop in particular....

The music shop! We headed straight to the percussion section, not quite sure what instrument we were looking for. Something loud, though, for sure. Being that it was his birthday, Liam was in luck... the kid's size drum kits were on special offer... so... Liam got a set of drums for his birthday! (not the congas in the picture above... a real 'rock star' drum kit!!)

All that noisy percussion music woke Lorcan up from his siesta... hello, sleepy head (dirty face!)

The mention of food, as always, turned Lorcan's serious face to one like this!

Liam chose Eddie Rocket's so we headed to South Anne Street for lunch on the terrace ;)


With our mission in the city accomplished and the drum kit in its box in the boot of the car, we headed back to Dun Laoghaire to catch a movie: Wall-e. It was a little above the little brothers' heads but the birthday boy really 'got' it and loved it!

You'd think that would be enough for one day... but NO! Not for our handsome birthday boy. When we emerged from the cinema, the previously grey skies had turned to blue... so we legged it to our favourite local beach spot, Sandycove, for some outdoor birthday fun to end the day....

Doesn't he make a beautiful birthday boy!

He certainly makes us smile!

And, of course, his partners in crime, the other 'brothers Jambrina', do too!

We played "Un, dos, tres, carabababá" till we could take it no more...

And just then the ice-cream van appeared

With the "real" birthday party planned for the following week (with all of Liam's school buddies), we still couldn't let the day go by without some bona fide candle-blowing! So, chocolate-and-smartie-covered banana bread did the trick on the day. And a very lovely day it was too.

* * * * * *

Daddy set up the drum kit the following day (first thing... which you can tell from the pyjamas and bed-heads!). Don't you love the look of complicity on Lorcan's face as he stands there happily banging his own drum?!

* * * * * *

And now for the PARTY!!!!

What a party! Yep, we had the works... friends, family, balloons, cake, goodies, games, music, face-painting, laughter... oh, and a piñata!...

And, best of all, we had "Anna Banana"!!!

She painted our faces, told us stories, made us laugh, showed us some cool games, played us music... she was the bees knees.

All the kids were giddy with laughter and excitement!

And enthralled by Anna Banana's tricks and her show...

... even our littlest party guest!

Then it was cake time!
A Homemade Red Velvet Spiderman Cake, no less!

We do so love a good party!

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