31 December 2008

the end of the year

According to the calendar, today marks the end of the year 2008... BUT, as you may have noticed, we didn't quite manage to get to the end of our 2008 jamrobbing chronicles in time. It looks like our year was so full to the brim that it has overflowed... and that can't be a bad thing, now can it?

We did manage to get to the end of our big long summer holiday (which was the original reason for the backlog build-up on this blog in the first place!)... and had lots of fun remembering all the good times had, while we picked photos and posted.

Stay tuned though, because there's plenty more in store....


30 December 2008

last days....

So this is the final countdown. The last summer holiday photo post.
What did we spend our last few days doing?
Well, for a start, we went to a special summer market in the Plaza San Nicolás in Algorta:

Brendan came along too!

And we met up with Javi, Lola, Ignacio, Marije and Marta. Marta was getting ready for a trip to see Carmen in Italy!
* * * * *
Random shots from our last days...

At the Fadura swimming pools...

"Awww. Do we have to go home nowwwww.....?"

Now, where did that tan go??
* * * * *

We spent our last night in Getxo (and the second-last night of our holiday) hanging out with Javi, Eva, Naia and some friends.
First at the park...
Notice how all the boys are looking at Naia!

How many kids can you fit in a hula-hoop? So far? Five!

Then we went out for pizza!!
The kiddos couldn't believe they were allowed to sit at their very own table!

Naia... the little lady, amongst all those little boys!

This is making me hungry!

And that's how we spent our second last night. Not bad, eh?
We spent our last day tidying up Carmen's place and heading to Gallarta to say goodbye to Abuela and get up early for our flight from Santander to Dublin.

One last "mosto" at the airport!
* * * * *
Next up: The return to Dublin, back to school, routines, autumn... winter... and 2009!!!

29 December 2008

umbe... mario... stephanie... brendan

You're probably wondering if our holidays will ever end?! In total, we were away for 7 weeks. We're near the end now. But there are still a few stories to tell/show...

Umbe: We met up with Mario and some of the old Romo gang for a barbecue in Umbe.

Mario is great with the kids.

Angel's new baby girl, Stephanie, was there... just a few days old!

Lorcan was pretty enthralled!

Txesko showed the guys how to build a good barbecue!

* * * * *

Later, we went back to Arrigunaga beach in Algorta to meet up with Brendan! Remember Brendan and his folks from Asturias?! They were on holiday visiting some friends in Algorta... so we met up for the afternoon. The boys were so thrilled!

hondarribi... hendaia... usurbil... agur

Hondarribi: We spent the day with Ana "Ahundi"!
After grabbing some take-away roast chicken and picnicking in the park, we set off towards the port of Hondarribi to catch the boat across to Hendaia.

Ana and Saioa

All aboard!... Boat trips are fun :)

After our quick boat trip across to Hendaia, we spent some time on the beach, catching waves and playing in the sand. Soon, another storm blew up and the rain started to fall... so we retreated.

The bigger kids took a go on these bouncy thingies before we left to catch the boat back.

Two of the cutest little boat passengers... tickets in hand!

We went for ice-cream in Hondarribi... and then walked back to Ana's (in my case with one shoe!... I managed to lose a flip-flop at the beach... duh!).
* * * * *

The next day was spent reading stories at home in the morning... and taking at trip into Donosti for some playground fun and a visit to a cool swimming pool... with great slides (no photos allowed in there though).

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Lorcan affectionately squeezing Maia's chubby cheeks!

Playing together...

Reading together...

Playing alone....

Reading alone...
* * * * *
Thanks for having us guys. We had a really good time!